Residents support STOP at Party by the Pond community event
The STOP spoke with over 150 people who expressed their opposition to the proposed elevated train expressway through Eglinton Flats
Residents support STOP at Party by the Pond community event
STOP's letter to Metrolinx: Don't destroy our community
The Toronto Star mentions our community's opposition to the elevated train expressway
Weston Web news: Opposition building to LRT in Eglinton Flats
Transit blogger highlights Metrolinx's failure to be transparent with our community
Mayor Tory supports STOP and the MDCA
The Toronto Star: Mayor responds to STOP and blasts Metrolinx's lack of public consultation
City Council unanimously supports Nunziata's motion asking Metrolinx to run the trains underground
Meeting with Metrolinx: Large group of residents angry with plan to destroy our parks